Travel to Costa Rica
Travel by Airlines is the most common form of transportation to Costa Rica. Other ways people travel to Costa Rica is by Cruise Ships, vehicle, motorcycle, or bus. Believe it or not, it's an easy two day bus ride from Guatemala to San Jose, Costa Rica, passing thru Nicaragua and Honduras on your journey. Costa Rica has two international airports, Juan Santa Maria and Liberia International airport in Papagayo, Guanacaste.

Travel Inside Costa Rica
The fastest way to travel between beaches and cities in Costa Rica is to fly by airplane. Probably a hundred small runways are scattered thru the country, with two national airlines moving passengers daily between such popular destinations as Montezuma, Playa Tambor, Manuel Antonio Beach, Flamingo and Tamarindo. Private airplanes and helicopters are also available for charter service.

Motor Vehicle - Cars & Four Wheel Drive
Private motor vehicle is the most popular transportation mode utilized by long term residents in Costa Rica. Cars are very expensive in Costa Rica due to high import duties and poor road conditions. Renting a car is expensive and you may well get charged for damage when you return the vehicle. Most international renta a car companies offer vehicles for rent in Costa Rica. And a number of enterprising independent businessmen provide car rentals as well. Look in the Tico Times or go to this excellent online free daily newsletter about Costa Rica AM Costa Rica.
Bus and Taxis
The best way to see Costa Rica is by bus. Local buses are cheap and can be crowded, but will take you all over the central valley once you figure out your routes. Intercity buses are also very cheap, run on time, and are comfortable. If you use a taxi between your hotel and the bus terminal at each leg of the journey you can save money, be safe, and leave the driving to someone who has to stay focused while you spend your holiday staring out the windows at the awesome scenery.
Taxis are an excellent method of getting around short distances or when the weather sucks or security is an issue. Taxis are licensed and regulated and for the most part are quite safe and economical. Learn to speak spanish so you will get the optimal taxi experience. Many Taxi drivers now speak enough english to help foreign tourists with poor language skills.
Bicycling in Costa Rica is a national sport. While few Ticos own expensive road bikes, the Costa Rican's love to watch their beloved bicycle races which are an annual national sporting event. A number of tour companies offer bicycle rental and tours. Brave souls go it on their own.
WARNING: The roads in Costa Rica are extremely dangerous. Death awaits the unwary constantly. It can be a great joy to enjoy the Costa Rican country bicyble ride, but easily ruined by a rain storm and drunk driver, or a pot hole, or narrow bridge. The roads are narrow, hardly fit for two cars, let alone a bicycle and two pedestrians.
Motorcycle Tours
For the accomplished motorcycle rider, this is the way to go. Bring quality wet weather gear and be prepared to slide. A number of companies offer excellent motorcycles for rent in Costa Rica, some with guided tours.
By Foot or horseback
The angel of mercy will be with you ... but the amazing thing about traveling in Costa Rica is the huge number of pedistrians everywhere. Since bus and taxi service is so goog, owning a car is not necessary and so walking is done by most everyone except of course the rich! When you Visit Costa Rica plan on traveling by foot, bus and taxi for the best experience in Costa Rica.